Our journey for developing the website for workplace equality
Australia's gender pay gap is 22.8%. Women, on average, earn $26,596 less than men each year. This pattern is observed across all the industries in Australia. Addressing this challenge is not only the right thing to do but is also a fundamental step towards achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality.
How to provide female employees experiencing a pay gap with opportunities or ways in order for them to feel equal to their male counterparts and create awareness among employers in Australia to pay women more in the workplace to reduce the gender pay gap are significant social inequalities.
Website Deployment with GitHub and Netlify:
Our website deployment process is meticulously orchestrated, leveraging the synergy between GitHub and Netlify. Through automated build and deployment processes, we ensure continuous integration and delivery of updates, fortified by robust security protocols.
Front-End Maintenance with React:
Powered by React, our front-end development ensures a responsive and interactive user interface. With a structured file system and streamlined deployment process, we facilitate seamless updates and troubleshooting for enhanced user experience.
Back-End Maintenance with AWS:
AWS services form the backbone of our backend infrastructure, facilitating real-time SQL queries, data insertion, and database management. By harnessing the power of AWS Lambda and RDS, we ensure efficient processing of user requests while upholding data integrity and security.
Database Maintenance with MySQL Workbench:
Our database maintenance procedures are streamlined through MySQL Workbench, enabling secure data management and updates. By adhering to structured database schemas, we ensure consistency and reliability in data storage and retrieval.
Data Sources and Data Wrangling:
Our data-driven approach relies on open datasets sourced from reputable organizations, meticulously wrangled and integrated into our database. Through periodic updates and adherence to data management protocols, we strive to maintain accuracy and timeliness in our insights.
In our relentless pursuit of workplace equality, the CloudSnap project serves as a testament to the transformative power of technology. Through collaborative efforts and technical prowess, we continue to innovate, empower, and advocate for inclusive work environments. Join us in our mission to achieve workplace equality, one line of code at a time.